Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Raja's post on blogging

What is a Blog

In guided reading we have been using a Blog. A Blog is like an exercise book but on the computer. It is a really good web site because you can access it from home.

When you start a Blog you write it in your book then after you finish writing you go to new post. When you finish typing you go to spell check,which tells you if you spelt a word wrongly it will check it for you. One really good way Blogging helps me is with my computer skills and it helps me use my imagination. You have to have to have a Gmail mail account to make one. In the future I would like to learn a bit more about Blogging because I really enjoy it. The skills that I would like to learn are how to insert a video from you
tube I would like to find a trailer of fantastic Mr. Fox because that is what I am reading.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

John's Blog on Blogging

A Blog is a website on the Internet that you can writ or make a video about whatever you want to talk about.

To create a Blog, firstly you have to know what you’re talking about, secondly you have to writ down your Blog on a piece of paper. After you finish that you type it in to the Blog website on the computer and you can add to your Blog also.

Blogs help you by letting out your opinion and getting you read different things and to writ a Blog about it .

I’ve made a Blog about David Legge’s book called Bamboozled .It was fun making it and it was good. My favorite part was the typing part I thought that it was fun to do.

In the future I want to put on picture’s and video’s to make it look cool and to make it look like a good Blog , that people will comment on.

By John Danson

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blogging by Christina


Hi my name is Christina and I’m in the year 4 Guided Reading Group, and I would like to tell you how to write a Blog.

The way you log on is to put your Google email address in and your password.

The way you create a Blog entry is to write about something or to write a review about something, for instance I wrote a letter to one of my favorite author’s “Roald Dahl”

The reason why blogging helps me learn is because it makes me look back and edit, and it also helps my computer skills.

I’ve written 3 different blogs already one to Lyn Lee another to David Legge and the one to Roald Dahl.

I would like to add a story about something, to mu Blog in the future.

What is a blog By Steve

What is a blog ?

In St.Fiacre's in the Yr4 room for Guided Reading we are making blogs and putting them on the Internet and it is really fun.

A blog is like a journal that people can read on the Internet.

To make a blog you have to go on the computer then go on the Internet and type in Then you have to make a account, and if you have a iGoogle account you can make a account with your iGoogle account, or if you already have a account you can just login. To make a blog you have to write about something, you can write about whatever you want, but don’t write about stuff personal because everyone can read it. When your done you want to check that you did everything right, so to check your spelling there is a spell check button click it, and then it highlights the wrong words, click the right button on your mouse and it shows a list of related words and hopefully the right word is there and if it isn’t there you have to keep trying to you get the right word. Now that your done checking you did everything correctly you can add a picture. To add a picture you have to click the picture button up the top, then a new box comes up. Now you have to get a picture, copy the URL code of the picture you want and there is a blank line in the box paste the URL code in the blank line, then you have to choose the size of the picture, you can choose from small, medium or large. After you do that you have to choose where you want your picture to go, it can go left, center or right, and when your done that you click add picture and now you have a picture. Then you go back to your blog and you click add post and your done you made a blog!

Blogging helps me in guided reading with my typing skills, and I also learn to do more stuff on the Internet.

In one term I made three blogs the first blog I made was to Pog a character from a children’s book. The second blog I made was to Grandpa a guy from a book called Bamboozled. The third blog I made was to Andy Griffiths a guy author who writes a series of books I like called the just series. In the future I would like to do more reviews on books.

Ryley`s blog about blogs


A blog is a new way of showing a post on the internet. You can create a blog by searching on the internet, then you have to make a G-mail account and a password, after that click new post and create a post. You can put a video or a picture.

I have made two blogs, one about Bambozled and one to Emily Rodda.

A blog helps me in Guided Reading by saying what my opinion was then seeing what other people think and help improve my typing skills.

In the future I want to write more blogs about book like Dragon Ball and write more advanced blogs.

Sam's explanation on blogging


A Blog is a way of communication on computer. It is global. In Guided Reading we are using a Blog to give information on books and share it with each other.

To create a Blog, first you have to create a Blog page where people can add posts. To add posts you have to click “new posts” then you can type away. You can add pictures, videos and audio. If you are connected to another Blog you can become a follower.

In Guided Reading Blogs help me to elaborate on my work and improve my editing skills. By reading comments I have a way to show the pride in my work. I forgot to mention that you can make comments on other people’s posts.

I have written a Blog on the site. It was a letter to a character in the book called Bamboozled by David Legge. It was to Grandpa. In the future I would like to post a letter to Andy Griffiths about all of his "just" books.

The End

Beast Quest

Adam Blade
72 Beast Lane
Beast Quest 6245

Dear Adam,
I have been reading your books and I'm really liking them. I also like Epos the flame bird and Trildon the three headed lion. I reckon all the books you have written are going to be really good.
In the book of Epos, the best part that I liked was how Tom ripped the leg band off so easily like a wet piece of paper. I've started to read the third book ARCTA, I have only read up to the bit where Elenna shivered as she looked at the moutain peaks in the distance. I have also read NANOOK, I liked how you used the word turquoise water. I liked how you named Tom , Elenna, Silver and Storm.
Now I would like to ask you some qustions, So my first question is, are you going to keep on writing the Beast Quest books?
My second question is, how many books are there?
My next question is, does Elenna free any Beasts or dose Tom free all of the?
My other question is, every quest does Tom get a special power like when Tom got a sliver of TAGUS'S horse shoe in his shield?
Now my last question is, is it easy to write the books or is it hard and before you started to write your books did you feel nervous?
From Tom

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blogging by Seamus


A blog is like an online journal it is really fun to create and make.

Firstly you log onto blogger. Then we ask Miss Bourke to log on then you press new page and then you type. Before you publish you edit your work with spell cheek then you can add picture moving animation or video then your done.

With a blog you can do lots of things that are fun and it helps you learn like my editing and typing skills.

The book I typed was about Bamboozled by David Legge
I wrote about most of the book one of the things I liked was the black and white floor I think the book was awesome.

Miss Bourke's Newsletter blog

ICT News

During the year the ICT team will be presenting information on the many amazing ways our teachers and students are using ICT within our school. This week we will be focusing on blogging.

A Blog is a term that refers to a web log. It is a shared online journal where people can post entries about personal experiences or hobbies. A Blog may also have links to other websites, images, video or audio. The posts usually appear in chronological order.

Last Term Miss Bourke’s reading group began a Blog. Children were asked to create a reading response activity to a picture book called Bamboozled written by David Legge. The children could write to either David Legge in a letter format or a character from the book. The children then had to write this response into their guided reading books and conference with Miss Bourke. Following this they were able to type up their blog entry, edit it and insert and image. They then published this blog entry to the class blog so other people could read their work.

The blog site is protected so you are unable to access it by typing key words into google or another search engine. The only way for people to log onto the site is to enter the exact URL into the address bar at the top of the page. If you would like to visit out class blog the URL is

If you would like to post a comment onto another child’s work, you will firstly need to obtain a gmail email account. These are free and are easy to log onto once you enter gmail into your google search engine. When commenting on blog posts it is important to remain positive and supportive of your peers.

Blogging enhances student learning in many ways. It improves their skills in accessing and using Web2.0. It assists in improving editing skills and allows them to be reflective, evaluative learners by reading and commenting on each others