ICT News
During the year the ICT team will be presenting information on the many amazing ways our teachers and students are using ICT within our school. This week we will be focusing on blogging.
A Blog is a term that refers to a web log. It is a shared online journal where people can post entries about personal experiences or hobbies. A Blog may also have links to other websites, images, video or audio. The posts usually appear in chronological order.
Last Term Miss Bourke’s reading group began a Blog. Children were asked to create a reading response activity to a picture book called Bamboozled written by David Legge. The children could write to either David Legge in a letter format or a character from the book. The children then had to write this response into their guided reading books and conference with Miss Bourke. Following this they were able to type up their blog entry, edit it and insert and image. They then published this blog entry to the class blog so other people could read their work.
The blog site is protected so you are unable to access it by typing key words into google or another search engine. The only way for people to log onto the site is to enter the exact URL into the address bar at the top of the page. If you would like to visit out class blog the URL is
If you would like to post a comment onto another child’s work, you will firstly need to obtain a gmail email account. These are free and are easy to log onto once you enter gmail into your google search engine. When commenting on blog posts it is important to remain positive and supportive of your peers.
Blogging enhances student learning in many ways. It improves their skills in accessing and using Web2.0. It assists in improving editing skills and allows them to be reflective, evaluative learners by reading and commenting on each others
This looks like a great site for learning, enjoying reading and having fun, while being creative. Very well done!