A MGP is a pro scooter that has two low profile wheels. With a MGP black stock fork it has two grips with one head set clamp on the bars. By the way MGP stands for madd gear pro. You can also customise it with y bars and pegs. Pegs stick on the side of your scooter for grinds you can also get a flavour metal core wheel for the back and you can aslo get a yak bubble metal core for the front. You can also get all sorts of MGP like MGP original, MGP nitro and MGP ninga. You can also do trick like tail whips,bri flips,back flips,front flips,tail grabs,xups bunny hops and backward bribes. There is a MGP team i don't know all there names but i know two Codie Dovan and Adam Bolton. the way i got in to scootering is by my best friend Seamus he taught me how to customise it and do tricks and everything he knows. i really hope when I'm their age I will know all the tricks. and maybe one day ill join the MGP team because i really Love scootering because its A great sport so stop lazing around at home and try it,ts fun. when your just starting you don't want to go down drop is. you will want to go down the ones which don't have metal poles because you might stack it and you also don't want to practise doing tricks because they take months to get it right once you can go down drop ins you can do do actual drop ins that is where you don't push off to get down put all your weight on the front so you slide down. tail whip. A tail whip is some thing that is hard to get the hang of you should first practise on ramps because to get it flat it takes a while to get. oh i haven't explained how to do it you have to spin the deck first you curl your toes around the deck and push back so it spins around so you land on the back wheel with both feet on the deck. once you get the hang of tail whipping you can tail whip catch that is where you do a tail whip but catch it in the air.
180 a 180 is the same as a 360 but you only go half way the way you do it is you spin your shoulder and knees to get the side your going. then you have whats called the three sixty you know i did really just explain it then. you do exactly the same as the 180 but you spin the whole way so you can ride smoothly down the road.
The final trick is called the briflip a briflip is is where you turn the bars side ways and and pull it over your head and put your feet back on the deck.
by raja
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