Monday, August 23, 2010

Mr Chicken Goes To Paris

Mr Chicken Goes To Paris

(Monsier Poulet va a' Paris)

For book week there were several books of a high standard,that I enjoyed. There was one book that stood out it was "Mr Chicken goes to Paris".Over all it was my favourite book. it is by the well known author Leigh Hobbs,who has written other short listed books.

I particularly loved this book because of it's cultural view of Paris.I have been to Paris before and have experienced these all these places.the other thing I liked about the cultural aspect is the language,on the tour buses and the post cards everything is french!

Mr chicken is such a character! even though he is a softy on the inside.His moody chicken face is what brings the paparazzi coming.

I believe that this book can be enjoyed by all people but would be particularly enjoyed by 5-8 year olds.

By Ella

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