Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oscars letter to Jeff Kinney

Jeff Kinney
32 Crazy st
Spyco RD

Dear Jeff Kinney,

I've been reading your book Diary of a wimpy kid for the past few weeks and I'm starting to like it more. The best bit is when you read it and I've already read four books but I'm still reading the Wimpy kid movie Diary. The qorst bit is I haven't got Diary of a Wimpy Kid do it your self book, but I'm going to get it and plus I'm probably going to see the movie too. I think the movie is going to be really funny especially when Greg throws the football at the green machine and then Rowly goes flying in the air

Now for my quetions,what made you become writer?

For my second question, how long does it take make one book?

For my last one what made you come up with the book titles
From Oscar G

Benji's Billy the Punk post

Craig Smith
35 Snoop dog st

Dear Craig

Today I read your book Billy the Punk. My opinion is that Billy the Punk is a nice picture book for kids between 5-9

Even though Billy is rude to his parents, I still like his character! The other thing I like is his hair because it is spiky and I also like his singlet because it is old. I also like the illustration's because they were very nice.

Now I would like to ask some questions. How old are you? Were you happy when you finished? Have you written any other books? That's all I have to ask thank you.

From Benjamin

Ryley`s letter to Emily Rodda

Emily Rodda
34 Hira St

To Emily Rodda

I love your books, I have read the Deltora series 1 2 and 3. I have also read all of the Rowan of Rin series , and I think it`s awesome! Now I`m reading Finders keepers and I it will be

just as good. I want to know what you recommend after I read Finders keepers and the Time

keeper, because I won`t know what to read. Now I want to ask a few questions. First

I`d like to ask what do you think your best book is and why? If you did not make what job would you do and why? Did you have something that inspired you to write all of those books you made? I really love your books.

From Ryley

Veronica's letter to David Legge

David Legge
36 Stanley st.

To:David Legge

I have read your book Bamboozled and I think it's great!

I like how you choose a grandfather and a little girl. I wish one day I could go to your house.
I also like how you put the pictures how you put them all out. My opinion is that you should write more books.Out of 10 I would give you 9 out of 10.

How long did it take you to write this book?
Do you have any kids?
Why did you choose a little girl and a grandfather?

I gave it a 9 out of 10 because it should have more infomation and the good side of this book is that it has really good illustrations.

I think its funny because they mow the grass inside and there is a shark in the window.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Steve's Andy Griffths Opinions and Questions

Andy Griffiths
#1 Writer st
Weird Town 5678

Dear Andy Griffiths,
I love all of your books and I have read all of them! I think you are one of the best writers in the universe, because all your books are so cool and they are all very funny.

In my opinion my favourite book is just Macbeth because there is Lot's of action. Such as when the kid and the gnome were fighting with swords and the gnome chopped the kid's head off. It's also really funny how they make a potion out of lot's of disgusting stuff and drink it so they go back in time.

The first question I want to ask you is how do you come up with all that really hilarious stuff?
The second question I want to ask you is have you thought of making a TV show with your books?
The third question I want to ask you is what is your favourite book that you've made?
The last question I want to ask you is are you thinking of making and more really cool and funny books?

From Steve

Monday, May 24, 2010

Christina.B's Letter to Grandpa

24 Tusken Lane
Ashfield 2131

Dear Grandpa

I read a book about you today, it was called Bamboozled.
I love at the end when you find out that the things in your house are normal and that the odd thing is that you have odd socks on!

How do you live with a tiger? If I did I would be terrified!!

You are the coolest Grandpa I know. I like the tree that is shaped like a face outside. I think the books all fantastic, you should be in other books. It looks like you and your granddaughter have a good relationship.

Do you have a grandson?
How old are you?
What are you're children's names?
Why did you have odd socks on? Do you like books?
Why do you cheat when you're playing cards?
How do you watch TV with fish inside?
Why is you're fruit different colours, like the bananas are red and there is a blue orange?
Why does your dustpan have a hole in it?
Why do you hang your plates on the line?
Why do you mow the lawn inside?
How long did it take to decorate your house?
I like how your flowers are in a real bed!

From Christina

gemma's blog to grandpa

78 Castle St

Dear Grandpa,

Today I read your book BAMBOOZLED. I like it how you put Mona Lisa upside- down with a clown face and how you put a lot of detail into it. I would love it if you put a movie out for the book BAMBOOZLED. I reckon everybody that saw your book would love it.

This is something that came from my brain to make a 2nd book of BAMBOOZLED. I think it is kind of weird how the odd socks made the whole house odd, I reckon it is really creative!!!I think this book is funny because of the illustrations. I just want to ask a few questions.

The 1st question is why were you wearing odd socks? The last one is how are you supposed to clean with a hole in the dust pan?

I hope you have a good time this year!!!

From Gemma.

Emma 's Letter to Grandpa


13 Nile

Town 2042


Dear Grandpa,
your house was funny, here I will give you some examples about your house,the digital time was on an old clock, a hour glass was on a watch, the pen was not a pen it was a pencil also you cheated playing the game cards,the mat that was blue had a fish jumped out of the mat. The sofa had hands on the arms of the sofa , there was a tie was in the middle of it and the picture of your face was above the tie and that was my favourite picture.

Do you know the room which is a beach and I saw in the second window there was a shark and some fish. I love your house! Do you have a wife? And are you werewolf as a dog? Who knows where the kitten is?
From Emma

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mia's letter to Grandpa


85 Catherine St

Ashflied 2042


Dear Grandad,

I read your book Bamboozled, I really like I even have it at home.

I really like it because I like how everything is odd and quirky I love odd stuff.

It's really cool how every thing is different to others.

One of my favourite things in your book is when they are cleaning inside but it looks like it's out side and when they're mowing instead of vacum cleaning it was cool.

It's really awesome how it said that you were feeding the cat but it was actually a tiger in a baby sit.

I also liked how outside there was a chopped down tree and inside there was a gnome like it was in jail.

When you were playing cards with your gran daughter I thought it was a good idea how you had had a mirror behind your gran daughter so you could see her flash her cards thanks for the idea.

Here are some questions I want too ask you
1.What is your favourite part of your house?

2. Which fish is your favourite?

3.What you are you going to let the gnome out of the hollow tree?

4.What made you have the idea of having a kooky house?
From Mia

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Christina's Letter To Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl

33 Book St




Dear Roald Dahl,

I find your books amazing and fabulous, one of my favourite books is Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, I like the bit when the oompa-loompas do there funny dance,and sing!

Another story that I like of yours is, Fantastic Mr Fox. I like the bit when Mr Fox steals the chicken and takes them home and gives his wife a special surprise.

One day at school it was a wet weather lunch so we watched the movie Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, but only the start of it. I like the bit when Charlie finds the golden ticket in the chocolate. I haven't seen the movie Fantastic Mr Fox yet but I'm really looking forward in seeing it.

Now I would love to ask you some question, What is favorite book that you have written? How many books have you written? Do you have kids? Do you have odd socks? Do you have all the books you wrote?

Thank you for reading my letter to you!

From Christina :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

John's letter to David Legge

David Legge

16 Tony Hawk st

Leichhardt 2o42


Dear David
Today in class we read your book Bamboozled. I think your book is very well written and
illustrated . The pictures were really cool. I liked how the flowers were in the bed and the shark in the pond .I like sharks although not to swim with. I've got a few questions for you

1.Is grandpa going to keep his house the same way it is?

2.Are you going to put your odd socks together? because I liked the color of them

3.Are you ever going to feed your pets especially the elephant ?

4.Have you ever had a fight with your grand daughter ?

From John

Monday, May 10, 2010


16 Hooligan Harbour
Isle of Berk

Dear Hiccup

I have read your book your book How To Train Your Dragon.I agree with you about Snotlout's MASSIVE nostrils,they look like two craters on his nose.Your father Stoick the Vast,he looks like a dragon himself. Now I know why only the chief can have the dragon Monstrous Nightmare!
No offence but your dragon Toothless is tiny and how are you supposed to fit a dragon into that dragon basket you used to catch Toothless!

Will you ever train Toothless? You can't even tell him to do some thing with out telling a joke. Your lucky you know dragonese because I could not survive 5 seconds by yelling at a dragon.

Now I want to ask you some qustions. Is Fishlegs your friend? Do you want a Montrous Nightmare? Who is stronger Green Death or Purple Death? Do you like your father Stoick the Vast? Anyway I think your dragon is realy cool.

From Joe-Anthony

Sunday, May 9, 2010

David Bamboozled

David Legge
95 Drool street

Dear David,
Today we read Bamboozled. I read Bamboozled as a small kid and I thought it was great.
Bamboozled has many different features some of the features were great. Some were really
funny I also thought that the use of a big cat (Tiger) instead of a cat was funny. The strangest thing that I saw was a flower bed.


First, why did you choose a grandpa not a grandma or a mum or a dad or a brother or a cousin?

Second why are there sharks in with the fish?

Third how can a garden be inside?

My last question iswhy did you illustrate and write the book why didn't you ask someone else to Illustrate?

The last thing that I want to tell you is that sometimes my life feels Bamboozled.
From Oscar H

A Letter to Grandpa Federico


16 Ghost street



Dear Grandpa

I am going to write about your book Bamboozled. The thing that I liked about your book was your house was on an island. All you needed to have is all of the golf holes because in your house there was only hole 18.
Why do paintings turn to real? I like how your garden has a weed bed but it is a bed with weeds on it. Why do you have a gnome in in jail and a monkey on a tree? You know how you said you were feeding your cat you were actually feeding a tiger. Now for some questions, what is your relationship with your grand daughter. Is your house for sale? and can you see the harbour bridge from your house? How many statues do you have in your garden? Why do you have grass in your shed.

From Federico

Jamie's Letter


73 cool ST

Dear Grandpa,

Your book is really cool I read it today. I think it really awesome how you had grass in your house and that you made it. I would like to ask some questions. Do you have any tigers in your house? Do you have your house for sale? Do you have other houses? Do you fish? Do you have bears or any panthers? How much friends do you have? Do you always wear odd socks? Now for some hard questions. Do you have a good relationship with your daughter? What do you eat for breakfast and dinner? Why did you call your book Bamboozled? Can you see the Harbour Bridge from your house? Over all your book is one of the best picture books Ive read. By for now.

From Jamie

Tom's Bamboozled letter

David Legge
Rosedale 3041

Dear David ,

I read your book called Bamboozled and I thought the book was very interesting because of how the child was bamboozled. Then in the end it was the odd socks that grandpa was wearing.
I loved how you were the illustrator and the author. I like near the window and I thought it was cool at the end how she was in a plastic duck going across the water. It was funny when the girl mowed the lawn inside the house. In the book I really liked the house because it looked like a mansion and I liked how you used your imagination.
Now I want to ask you some questions, My first question is, was it hard to draw all the animals and other things? My second question is, what did you first think of the book? My last question is, before you wrote the book was it complicated or was it easy?

From Tom

oscars letter

Grandpa Joe
52 Fuller rd

Dear Grandpa ,
Today in Year 4 I read Bamboozled. I like the book Bamboozled because it is very creative. In the pictures you see The Great Barrier reef outside the window. The best bit was how there was a picture of a man's suit for a man with no head. My second favourite thing was how the girl came over to visit and that day in her mind she thought it was strange and weird. Another weird thing is the Grandpa was wearing odd socks.

Now for my questions, my first one is what kind of relation ship do you and your grand daughter have?
My second one is how do you watch T.V. with the fish in the way?
For my last but not least, why were you wearing odd socks?
From Oscar

James's letter to Grandpa

16th smelly st

Dear Grandpa,
I read your book and I thought it was awesome. I like how the house is weird with all of the fish and the carpet that goes on top of the roof. I also liked the camel with a hat and a the pet penguin.
My favourite part is the person that comes out of the picture in the living room. I also liked the part where your grand daughter went through your odd house and couldn't even find one thing that was wrong.
Anyway my quetions to you are why do you drink out of pots from plants? and why can your cat dance? Anyway I liked your book and I think you should make another.


Seamus's letter to Grandpa


12 Monna Monna Creek road Nowra

Monna Monna Creek

NSW 1212


Dear Grandpa,

Today in my class I read your book. I think your house was amazing how your house is like a zoo it is awesome how your house is different. For instance instead of vacuuming your mowing the grass. I love your black and white checkered hallway . It is very cool how you only have odd socks. I think if you sold your house you could be a million air. I think your house is is awesome because every think is different. I like your oven in the washing machine and a fish tank in your TV. The pictures were the best I had ever seen. It was cool how you slipped the card down your sleeve to cheat. On the bottom level of your house is it under water? Your house could be a huge tourist attraction that would earn lots of money.

My first question is how much does your house cost? My second question is, How is your relationship with your grand daughter? Can you watch TV with your two new pet fish? Is your house half a zoo ?
From Seamus

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Raja"s lettter to Grandpa Joe

Grandpa Joe

7 Nile st

Las Vegas 12


Dear Grandpa Joe

I read your book Bamboozled in class. Your house was really, really weird because you have tiger as a pet and a jack in a box in your washing machine. Some other things I found interesting were your mowed the lawn instead of vacumed the floor. I also loved how your Grand daughter in every single page thought there was something weird when it was only a pair of odd socks. I so wish I had your house because it has every thing I love.


1.Do you kow David Lgge who wrote your book ?

2.Why did you chose this house?

3.What country do you live in?

4.How did you come up with such good ideas for you house?

5.Was Bamboozeled the first book you have been in ?

6.How much did your house cost?

7.What is your relationship with your grand daughter?

8. .How do you cope with a lion in your house?

9. Is your grand daughter helpful?

From Raj

Jacobs letter to Grandpa

60 Crazy St
Crazy Town

Dear Grandpa,

I really like the book Bamboozled that you are in. Your house is very weird. I would like to go to your house one day. I like how you have a Grand father clock that has digital time and instead of a tocker you have got a racket.

Why do you have a shark? Is it scary? Do you have any other books that you are in? If you do what are they called? Why do you cheat when you play cards? Do you play hopscotch when you go to the door? I like how you have got an elephant vase with an elephant face on it. How do you heat up your food when you have a TV on your microwave? What is your favourite thing? Do you always wear odd socks? A flowerbed is a big row of flowers not a bed with flowers in it. Does the cat bite you? I reckon that you have a great relationship with your Granddaughter?

You should let people in your house and give them a tour.

Why do you have a fountain and the water is coming out of the ear not the jar? I reckon you have a great relationship with your daughter because you play with her, you eat with her and you have fun together. Why is the mailbox upside down? Why do you have a welcome mat with mud not brushes to clean mud? Why do you mow the lawn in the house instead of vacuuming the house? Why do your books stick to the top of the boobshelf instead of staying down? How do you watch TV when the fish are in the way? Why do you have a pet banana? Why is the doorknocker on the wall? Why does your garden gnome laugh with you?

Hope you like my letter.

From Jacob

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Benji's letter

David Legge

13 Nile Sydney st



Dear David Legge

Today we read the book Bamboozled. My opinion is that your illustrations where fabulous. One of my favourite parts of the book was when Grandpa got two new fish. I think this book was funny because the illustrations were weird.

What time did you finish? Did you enjoy writing the book? Where you happy when finished? How old are you? Do you have a beard? Have you writing any other books?

From Benji

Sebs letter to Grandpa


369 Boom Lane

Springfield 9992


Dear Grandpa,

I really like your house and all the weird things in it. I like how your lounge is like a car and that you plant light bulbs into your flower bed. Its really funny how you feed the tiger instead of the cat. I also liked how in the garden there was that statue where she had a barrel but the water was coming out of her ear. I really like how you have lots of Animals in your house. In the down stairs room it was really funny how there was a banana in a cage. I really like your odd socks.

I have one question, how many children do you have? The best animal I saw was a shark in the down stairs window. I also liked the shoes, hat and toilet paper in the fridge. I also like the mouse in the sky lite tub of yogurt connected to a balloon.

From Seb

My letter to David Legge By Christina

David Legge

13 Oxford St

Readers Valley


Dear David Legge,

I read your book Bamboozled today. I liked the bit when Grandpa said he was going to feed the cat, but it was actually a tiger, and I also liked how you got Grandpa to pour tea into a pot plant cup.
Your images were amazing. I love your illustrations some of the amazing pictures were the shark in the window and how Grandpa always won when he played cards with his Grand daughter, he won because of the mirror behind her. I like how the TV is in the microwave.
I think it was cool how in the end the only thing that was odd for the Grand daughter was her Grandpa's socks. Now I would love to ask you some questions! Do you have a donkey? Whats your favourite thing in your house? How many pets do you have? Do you play hop-scotch in the hallway? Do you have a good relationship with your grand daughter? Which pet do you like the best? How many pairs of odd socks do you have?

P.S. Love the house
From Christina

My Letter to Grandpa

200 Bamboozled Rd
Crazy Town

Dear Grandpa,

Today I read your book Bamboozled. It was hilarious. I thought it was funny because of that funny moment just when your grand daughter thought she had it but that wasn't the only thing in your house that was strange. I like the part were the Mona Lisa was up side down and has a clown face, it was also funny that the grand father clock was digital and has a tennis racket in side of it. I also liked your outdoor living room with your grass rug on the floor. Your garden was also cool with the christmas trees growing in the flower bed. The front of my shed is bamboozled! Your odd socks were hilarious. You and your grand daughter must have a very good relationship.
What is your favourite thing to do when your grand daughter comes over?
How many pets do you have?
Do you let your pet tiger go where ever it likes?
Where is the toilet in your house?
What is your favourite room?
Are you a cheat at cards?
and for my last qustion are you crazy? just kidding.
From Alex