Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My letter to David Legge By Christina

David Legge

13 Oxford St

Readers Valley


Dear David Legge,

I read your book Bamboozled today. I liked the bit when Grandpa said he was going to feed the cat, but it was actually a tiger, and I also liked how you got Grandpa to pour tea into a pot plant cup.
Your images were amazing. I love your illustrations some of the amazing pictures were the shark in the window and how Grandpa always won when he played cards with his Grand daughter, he won because of the mirror behind her. I like how the TV is in the microwave.
I think it was cool how in the end the only thing that was odd for the Grand daughter was her Grandpa's socks. Now I would love to ask you some questions! Do you have a donkey? Whats your favourite thing in your house? How many pets do you have? Do you play hop-scotch in the hallway? Do you have a good relationship with your grand daughter? Which pet do you like the best? How many pairs of odd socks do you have?

P.S. Love the house
From Christina


  1. AWESOME letter! I loved the questions can'ty wait to read more of your posts

  2. oops sorry about the typo I promise to be more careful!

  3. loved your big words in the letter.
    Oscar G
