Tuesday, May 11, 2010

John's letter to David Legge

David Legge

16 Tony Hawk st

Leichhardt 2o42


Dear David
Today in class we read your book Bamboozled. I think your book is very well written and
illustrated . The pictures were really cool. I liked how the flowers were in the bed and the shark in the pond .I like sharks although not to swim with. I've got a few questions for you

1.Is grandpa going to keep his house the same way it is?

2.Are you going to put your odd socks together? because I liked the color of them

3.Are you ever going to feed your pets especially the elephant ?

4.Have you ever had a fight with your grand daughter ?

From John


  1. I have never been to Tony Hawke street in Leichhardt. I think if I went though I would need my skatey! Great Blog

  2. I really enjoyed your blog John. Do you really like sharks???
