Monday, May 24, 2010

Emma 's Letter to Grandpa


13 Nile

Town 2042


Dear Grandpa,
your house was funny, here I will give you some examples about your house,the digital time was on an old clock, a hour glass was on a watch, the pen was not a pen it was a pencil also you cheated playing the game cards,the mat that was blue had a fish jumped out of the mat. The sofa had hands on the arms of the sofa , there was a tie was in the middle of it and the picture of your face was above the tie and that was my favourite picture.

Do you know the room which is a beach and I saw in the second window there was a shark and some fish. I love your house! Do you have a wife? And are you werewolf as a dog? Who knows where the kitten is?
From Emma

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