Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Veronica's letter to David Legge

David Legge
36 Stanley st.

To:David Legge

I have read your book Bamboozled and I think it's great!

I like how you choose a grandfather and a little girl. I wish one day I could go to your house.
I also like how you put the pictures how you put them all out. My opinion is that you should write more books.Out of 10 I would give you 9 out of 10.

How long did it take you to write this book?
Do you have any kids?
Why did you choose a little girl and a grandfather?

I gave it a 9 out of 10 because it should have more infomation and the good side of this book is that it has really good illustrations.

I think its funny because they mow the grass inside and there is a shark in the window.


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