Monday, May 10, 2010


16 Hooligan Harbour
Isle of Berk

Dear Hiccup

I have read your book your book How To Train Your Dragon.I agree with you about Snotlout's MASSIVE nostrils,they look like two craters on his nose.Your father Stoick the Vast,he looks like a dragon himself. Now I know why only the chief can have the dragon Monstrous Nightmare!
No offence but your dragon Toothless is tiny and how are you supposed to fit a dragon into that dragon basket you used to catch Toothless!

Will you ever train Toothless? You can't even tell him to do some thing with out telling a joke. Your lucky you know dragonese because I could not survive 5 seconds by yelling at a dragon.

Now I want to ask you some qustions. Is Fishlegs your friend? Do you want a Montrous Nightmare? Who is stronger Green Death or Purple Death? Do you like your father Stoick the Vast? Anyway I think your dragon is realy cool.

From Joe-Anthony

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